Christmas In July


Sunday 9:45 & 11:00 Wednesday 6:00

by: Leann Mize



Today, July 9th,  begins our Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Emphasis. On the Nursery door you will find “stars”. Each star has an item listed, and a suggested amount, that will help us fill our shoeboxes. As the Lord directs your heart, please take a star, or several, and purchase the item(s) then bring items back to our donate bin. If you like, you may give a monetary donation to Nancy, DeAnne, or Leann to purchase items for you. Thank you church in advance for all you do for this outreach ministry.

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Today, July 9th,  begins our Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Emphasis. On the Nursery door you will find “stars”. Each star has an item listed, and a suggested amount, that will help us fill our shoeboxes. As the Lord directs your heart, please take a star, or several, and purchase the item(s) then bring items back to our donate bin. If you like, you may give a monetary donation to Nancy, DeAnne, or Leann to purchase items for you. Thank you church in advance for all you do for this outreach ministry.

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