Multimedia Changes


Sunday 9:45 & 11:00 Wednesday 6:00

by: Leann Mize



Facebook has sent out a notification that after 30 days it will “erase” our livestream church services. Rick will continue to post our livestream service to the Face Book page. In addition, he will be posting the service to YouTube. You will be able to view the service from that platform by searching BETHELBAPTIST4068. or by searching BETHELBAPTISTCHICKAMAUGA. Be sure to “subscribe” to the YouTube page.

Blog comments will be sent to the moderator

Facebook has sent out a notification that after 30 days it will “erase” our livestream church services. Rick will continue to post our livestream service to the Face Book page. In addition, he will be posting the service to YouTube. You will be able to view the service from that platform by searching BETHELBAPTIST4068. or by searching BETHELBAPTISTCHICKAMAUGA. Be sure to “subscribe” to the YouTube page.

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