Bible Reading Tips


Sunday 9:45 & 11:00 Wednesday 6:00

by: Leann Mize



1. Before you begin, PRAY. Ask God to help you understand His word. Ask Him to help you stay focused and to remember what you read. Ask Him to give you wisdom and help you apply what you read.


2. As people of faith, we all know in our spirit that heaven is just a heartbeat away. Reading God’s word prepares our hearts for the coming journey to a place where we will all spend eternity with Him.

3. We know people by what they say and do. The Bible tells us what God says and how he acts. Read the Bible to know God.

4. Ask the Lord to speak to you as you read. Ask Him to give you understanding as you read His word.

5. God has planted in each of us the ability to rise up, however bleak the circumstances. We are created in His image to reflect

His strength as we read together.

6. There are many benefits and challenges in our path, so it is best to pray hard, and choose wisely as we read our Bible together. Let us look for ways of sharing God’s Word from our Bible reading with someone

7. We can study and read the Bible because it is totally reliable and without error. We are given assurance that God’s Word is truth as we read the Bible together and search, allowing the word to guide us.

8. We want to hear from the ones we love. Read the Bible to hear form the ONE who loves you.

9. When we want to talk with the Lord, we pray! When we need the Lord to talk with us, we read the Bible, GOD’S Holy Word. Have you let the Lord talk to you today? Daily Bible reading helps to guide us through daily problems.

10. The Bible is God’s written revelation to His people – it records, in human words, what God desires. We grow in our relationship with God if we would only believe and follow God’s instructions in the Bible. (James 1:22)

11.The Old Testament, often cast aside as ancient and irrelevant by the world’s standards, is more precious than gold. In it God reveals Himself to us: His power, holiness, strength, justice, and undying love for a fallen race, and so much more, The more we learn, the more we love Him!

12. Reasons for reading the Bible:

1. Scripture saves: 1 Timothy 4:16

2. Scripture imparts grace and peace: 2 Peter 1:2

3. Scripture sanctifies: John 17:17

4. Scripture gives joy: Psalms 1:2

5. Scripture protects us from error: Ephesians 4:13-14

13. To read the Bible is to exercise intention and use self-discipline. This is no small feat, but it is one fruitful routine. We make the commitment and repeat the habit on a daily basis with consistency will enrich our walk in Christ Jesus. By reading God’s word we are creating a habit to nourish and renew our minds while teaching the truth to our lives


While we read our Bibles…

It’s okay to pray.

Pray out loud,

Pray in your head, pray in a whisper,

Pray on your knees,

Pray in the car,

Pray in the shower.


15. We learn about God’s character through reading the Bible. It gives us insights concerning God. He is full of patience, love, kindness, justice, wisdom, goodness, and all knowing.

16. Reading the Bible allows us to follow a living breathing example of God’s Word. Read it confidently, even when you encounter things you don’t understand. Trust God that His Word will stand forever. Proverbs 30:5

17. Reminding ourselves of the value of the Bible, for our lives, is a good step for reading every day. We thrive on the truth of God’s word with a regular diet. Spiritual growth, then bears fruit in a deeper relationship with God.

18. Does you daily Bible reading need an “attitude adjustment?” Instead of saying, “I HAVE to read my Bible today” replace that statement with “I GET to read my Bible today”. Aren’t we blessed beyond measure to know that we can open God’s Word?

19. As I continue on this Bible reading journey, I find that I have His word on my mind more through out the day of how much God loves us and wants us to be more like Him. He is coming back for us like the song says, ‘Just any day now’.

20. Reading the Bible encourages us in these areas:

"Do all the good you can.

By all the means you can.

In all the ways you can.

in all the places you can.

1at all the times you can.

To all the people you can.

As long as ever you can."

John Wesley

21. God can make a difference in our lives by changing our hearts. Do we want to make a difference in the world? Read your Bible!!! And as God changes our hearts, He begins to work powerfully in our lives. The good news is that He uses us to make a difference.

22. Reading the Bible helps with each day’s problems as we live in vital union with Him. Let our roots grow down into Him and draw nourishment form reading our Bible together. We are growing in the Lord and will become stronger and more vigorous in the truth from reading God’s Word.

23. Reading the Bible is not old-fashioned or out of date. It is still the best way to be saturated with the mind of Christ. The more I read the Bible, the more in love with God I am. There are no shortcuts here. We become more Christ-like day in and day out from reading the Bible.

24. It saddens me to think about all the pain and agony Jesus suffered so I could be saved from sin, I’m thankful that His precious blood covers even me! He also inspired men to write the Bible (God’s Holy Word) so we would know right from wrong, and He speaks to us when we read His Word. If He was willing to die for me, I should be willing to live for Him and take time each day to read the Bible for His guidance.

25. God has given His scripture to His people so that they can know Him. The Bible is a perfect testimony of who God is and what He’s like as we learn while reading together. Through His Word, God has given us “everything for life and godliness”. (2 Peter 1:3)

26. Encouragement makes it easier to read our Bible together, and it gives hope. God’s word encourages and helps us to be more disciplined and nurtures patience with kindness. Reading God’s word makes it easier to live our Christian life.

27. An intentional Bible reading plan helps us stay committed to God. The regular cadence of reading, studying and applying God’s word help us develop strong Bible reading habits and skills. God will surprise us through the written Word.

28. We sometimes struggle with staying consistent with daily Bible reading, and you are not alone. The business of life, distractions, and lack of motivation can make it challenging. Staying consistent on the journey will help even when you fall behind a little. Spiritual growth takes time and God will be right there to help us each step of the way.

29. The joy of reading the Bible in one year (or longer) gives us the time to read and study the Old and New Testament. Today you could determine your need daily and seek reading while listening to God’s wisdom and guidance for your life through the WORD. Reading our Bible daily, renews our strength and adds joy to our walk with God.



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1. Before you begin, PRAY. Ask God to help you understand His word. Ask Him to help you stay focused and to remember what you read. Ask Him to give you wisdom and help you apply what you read.


2. As people of faith, we all know in our spirit that heaven is just a heartbeat away. Reading God’s word prepares our hearts for the coming journey to a place where we will all spend eternity with Him.

3. We know people by what they say and do. The Bible tells us what God says and how he acts. Read the Bible to know God.

4. Ask the Lord to speak to you as you read. Ask Him to give you understanding as you read His word.

5. God has planted in each of us the ability to rise up, however bleak the circumstances. We are created in His image to reflect

His strength as we read together.

6. There are many benefits and challenges in our path, so it is best to pray hard, and choose wisely as we read our Bible together. Let us look for ways of sharing God’s Word from our Bible reading with someone

7. We can study and read the Bible because it is totally reliable and without error. We are given assurance that God’s Word is truth as we read the Bible together and search, allowing the word to guide us.

8. We want to hear from the ones we love. Read the Bible to hear form the ONE who loves you.

9. When we want to talk with the Lord, we pray! When we need the Lord to talk with us, we read the Bible, GOD’S Holy Word. Have you let the Lord talk to you today? Daily Bible reading helps to guide us through daily problems.

10. The Bible is God’s written revelation to His people – it records, in human words, what God desires. We grow in our relationship with God if we would only believe and follow God’s instructions in the Bible. (James 1:22)

11.The Old Testament, often cast aside as ancient and irrelevant by the world’s standards, is more precious than gold. In it God reveals Himself to us: His power, holiness, strength, justice, and undying love for a fallen race, and so much more, The more we learn, the more we love Him!

12. Reasons for reading the Bible:

1. Scripture saves: 1 Timothy 4:16

2. Scripture imparts grace and peace: 2 Peter 1:2

3. Scripture sanctifies: John 17:17

4. Scripture gives joy: Psalms 1:2

5. Scripture protects us from error: Ephesians 4:13-14

13. To read the Bible is to exercise intention and use self-discipline. This is no small feat, but it is one fruitful routine. We make the commitment and repeat the habit on a daily basis with consistency will enrich our walk in Christ Jesus. By reading God’s word we are creating a habit to nourish and renew our minds while teaching the truth to our lives


While we read our Bibles…

It’s okay to pray.

Pray out loud,

Pray in your head, pray in a whisper,

Pray on your knees,

Pray in the car,

Pray in the shower.


15. We learn about God’s character through reading the Bible. It gives us insights concerning God. He is full of patience, love, kindness, justice, wisdom, goodness, and all knowing.

16. Reading the Bible allows us to follow a living breathing example of God’s Word. Read it confidently, even when you encounter things you don’t understand. Trust God that His Word will stand forever. Proverbs 30:5

17. Reminding ourselves of the value of the Bible, for our lives, is a good step for reading every day. We thrive on the truth of God’s word with a regular diet. Spiritual growth, then bears fruit in a deeper relationship with God.

18. Does you daily Bible reading need an “attitude adjustment?” Instead of saying, “I HAVE to read my Bible today” replace that statement with “I GET to read my Bible today”. Aren’t we blessed beyond measure to know that we can open God’s Word?

19. As I continue on this Bible reading journey, I find that I have His word on my mind more through out the day of how much God loves us and wants us to be more like Him. He is coming back for us like the song says, ‘Just any day now’.

20. Reading the Bible encourages us in these areas:

"Do all the good you can.

By all the means you can.

In all the ways you can.

in all the places you can.

1at all the times you can.

To all the people you can.

As long as ever you can."

John Wesley

21. God can make a difference in our lives by changing our hearts. Do we want to make a difference in the world? Read your Bible!!! And as God changes our hearts, He begins to work powerfully in our lives. The good news is that He uses us to make a difference.

22. Reading the Bible helps with each day’s problems as we live in vital union with Him. Let our roots grow down into Him and draw nourishment form reading our Bible together. We are growing in the Lord and will become stronger and more vigorous in the truth from reading God’s Word.

23. Reading the Bible is not old-fashioned or out of date. It is still the best way to be saturated with the mind of Christ. The more I read the Bible, the more in love with God I am. There are no shortcuts here. We become more Christ-like day in and day out from reading the Bible.

24. It saddens me to think about all the pain and agony Jesus suffered so I could be saved from sin, I’m thankful that His precious blood covers even me! He also inspired men to write the Bible (God’s Holy Word) so we would know right from wrong, and He speaks to us when we read His Word. If He was willing to die for me, I should be willing to live for Him and take time each day to read the Bible for His guidance.

25. God has given His scripture to His people so that they can know Him. The Bible is a perfect testimony of who God is and what He’s like as we learn while reading together. Through His Word, God has given us “everything for life and godliness”. (2 Peter 1:3)

26. Encouragement makes it easier to read our Bible together, and it gives hope. God’s word encourages and helps us to be more disciplined and nurtures patience with kindness. Reading God’s word makes it easier to live our Christian life.

27. An intentional Bible reading plan helps us stay committed to God. The regular cadence of reading, studying and applying God’s word help us develop strong Bible reading habits and skills. God will surprise us through the written Word.

28. We sometimes struggle with staying consistent with daily Bible reading, and you are not alone. The business of life, distractions, and lack of motivation can make it challenging. Staying consistent on the journey will help even when you fall behind a little. Spiritual growth takes time and God will be right there to help us each step of the way.

29. The joy of reading the Bible in one year (or longer) gives us the time to read and study the Old and New Testament. Today you could determine your need daily and seek reading while listening to God’s wisdom and guidance for your life through the WORD. Reading our Bible daily, renews our strength and adds joy to our walk with God.



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